Otome Games

『 Anniversary no Kuni no Alice 』

anniversary cover
『Anniversary no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful Wonder World 』
Title: アニバーサリーの国のアリス ~Wonderful Wonder World~
Romanji: Anniversary no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful Wonder World~
Created By: QuinRose under garden
Official Website: http://quinrose.com/game/alice_a/top.html
Trial Version: Don’t think there is one

Summary: You, the protagonist, who’s default name is Alice (and will be referred to as "Alice" this entire post) Liddell, has just fallen down into Wonderland where you are forced to participate in a "game" and collect droplets of liquid in a bottle. When the bottle is full, you will be able to return home. Of course, along the way you meet some very nice bishies, whom you can have a relationship with. Anniversary no Kuni no Alice is just the "level up" version of Heart no Kuni no Alice. There’s new content, and redrawn CGs, and I think there’s new love routes for the guys, but I haven’t gotten far enough into the game yet to know.

down the rabbit hole…